Special Stays: The Siphon, Cornwall

Last week I introduced our new Special Places series. I’ve added lots of our old reviews to the group, but this is the first official brand new addition. It’s called The Siphon and I found it when searching for a place to stay for Steve and I plus three friends on our trip to Cornwall. … Read more

A weekend in Cornwall…

Salty air that blows your cheeks rosy red with its bluster; wild grasses to run in, and jagged cliffs against the sea. It’s what Cornwall is made of in Autumn. That and pasties, and fudge and ales. It’s where we go to escape the city, for a glimpse of space and breath of the wild. … Read more

Peckham Rye Station, London

There’s no place like home.

Tonight I’ll see six friends. We’ll eat at a pop-up Syrian restaurant then head to our local that shares my name. Friends and a local pub. We’re home again. We’ve seen a lot of friends and family these past few weeks – friends from school, friends from uni, cousins, the type of friends you keep … Read more

London in the rain

Coming up for breath

The pace of a city shapes it. Rio rotates to the rhythms of samba, Rome struts, and Sydney saunters. This week I returned to London, a city that races through its days. Any visitor who has ever been here and made the mistake of standing on the left of an escalator will have experienced the … Read more

San Pancho fire sunset

Year two on the road in photos

“How long are you off for?” “Maybe 2-5 years, who knows?” said Steve 730 days ago at our party to say goodbye. It was an answer said half-jokingly. We had no idea what this journey would look like or how long it would last for. We still don’t know where it’s going, but we do … Read more

Light on boat at Batson slipway devon

The magic of Devonshire light

When the sky turns lilac, I know my day is nearly done. The trees fade into the horizon and make way for the nighttime sky. I’ll miss the stars when we move to the city. Four months worth of days have passed at this window from Autumn into Winter sun. People say England is grey. … Read more

On Snape's Point, Salcombe

Where is home?

Victoria walking in Devon

“Where’s home for you now?” said Olly as we strolled along the South Bank, catching up on almost 20 month’s absence on a path we’ve walked countless times before.

It’s one of my favourite places in London, the walk from London Bridge to Waterloo along the river, past Borough Market, St.Paul’s, the Tate, the theatres and with Big Ben glowing in the distance.

When I was at university, riding the bus across the river at night filled me with awe at the magnificence of the city and the millions of lives that breathed within it. I was one of those lives. I called the city home for ten years and it still holds a house in my name and is the city I know the best. It’s where I chose to step out alone and build my own life. I love it, but would I call it home?

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Eguisheim, France – Real-life fairytale village

Things I missed and miss

Today we made a decision. After our time in Ubud, we have two months until we need to be Barcelona where Steve will finish the very final stages of Continuum. The big question on our minds has been where to spend those two months. It has to be Europe so Steve can get to Barcelona if … Read more

Barcelona with a baby- Hotel Barcelona Catedral

Memories of Hayling Island

One day you see a photo on Facebook that brings back pangs of childhood memories that will never be relived because the two people you wish for most aren’t there. But this time, instead of crying, you wish you were there, because the memory lives on without the faces you miss, and continues in the … Read more