Road trippin’ to Paracho, land of guitars

Last updated on February 9, 2024

Road trippin in Mexico

Two new guitars, one rolling pin, eight passion fruits, six mangoes, a mask of a terrifying red-haired woman, a wearable blanket, a wooden cigarette holder, and an extra passenger. These were the fruits of one three-day road trip to Paracho, Michoacan, a small town in Mexico’s Western Central Highlands, famous for its guitar makers.

It began with a casual conversation.

“How far is it to Paracho?”

“About eight hours, I think”

“I need to go there to get a guitar I’ve had custom built for me. When the Spanish came over they taught the townspeople how to make classical guitars and the tradition has stuck. The whole town is made up of luthiers, and they charge a fraction of the price of the US. ”

“Sounds like a mission. Let’s do it!”

The road trip crew to Paracho

And with that, like many a journey before, the road trip was born. It started with Jess (the guitar-buyer), Selinger (hula-hooper, chef and Jess’s girlfriend) and Habib (the driver, acupuncturist, and general wizard). I was drawn in by the adventure of it – a mission to collect a special guitar from a mountain town in Mexico. Steve had a weekend of work ahead of him so sadly had to decline, but on the morning of departure, we had a last minute addition when local muralist Jesse decided it looked like too much fun to pass on. We started with five and would come back with six.

Happy Go Lucky

We’d decided to break up the journey with a night-stop in Guadelajara. A last-minute request on Couchsurfing had found us Manolo, an architect and hopeful wedding proposal planner, who invited all five of us to stay – likely drawn in by the promise of wizardry.

Journey to Guadelajara

A five hour Gonzo-style journey through jungle and mountain-lined roads with a brief road-side stop to placate a policeman who objected to our driver’s style, brought us to Guadelajara.

Playing with mind twisting puzzles

A jam session ensued, taking advantage of our host’s son’s mini drum kit. The non-musical among us entertained ourselves with some tiny, infuriating – then deeply satisfying – metal puzzles.

That night, Manolo took us out on the town to a bar selling more than 100 beers, and a club that played live ska music. He tried to teach my two left feet some salsa steps, and later joined the band on stage to sing Nicaragua’s pop-rock anthem.

Drowned sandwich, Guadelajara

We awoke fuzzy-headed the next morning, and after an impromptu yoga class from me, set out on a whistle-stop tour of Guadelajara. Highlights included some splendid street art. a beautiful central square and a ‘torta ahogada’, which literally translates to ‘drowned sandwich’ and is made of a meat baguette doused in a salsa soup – not the easiest thing to eat – especially out of a bag!

Selinger eating chilli cookie

It was then time to head to Paracho. Selinger kept us entertained (and slightly horrified) when she exposed a taste for chilli-sauce-topped cookies.

Road tripping in Mexico

The nearer we got, the colder it became as we ascended into the mountains, and by the time we reached the town, the sun had set and scarves and woolens came out. That night I’d sleep with all my clothes on – fleece and all.

Guitar making studio, Paracho

This was it – the fruition of our journey – it was time to collect the guitar. Jess had ordered it from Fernando, a man well-known and recommended for his skills.

Jess and his new guitar in Paracho

We found his workshop and, when handed the guitar, Jess found himself almost to nervous to play it – he’d waited months for this moment. After eventually finding the courage, it was love at first strum.

Three kings in Paracho

The rest of us had become distracted – Jesse by an overwhelming bout of ‘hanger’ – and the others by the sight of three bling kings dancing outside the church, which was  blasting dance music to an otherwise peaceful town. We stared at the epiphany celebration, wandering if all Paracho’s religious days are marked by church raves.

Guitar skeleton in Paracho

We had expected the town to be full of guitarists and live events, but it turns out that very few of the luthiers play the instrument themselves and there’s no tradition of guitar-music in town – not even mariachi music.  Tired of being in a place full of guitars without the means to play, the younger generation are starting to change this and are taking lessons, said Fernando.

Jesus makes guitars

Not keen to join the church rave, we filled our bellies with tacos, enchiladas soaked in mole, and a humungous chocolate flan, before bedding down for the night in a little hotel on the edge of the town.

Lady making breakfast tacos

Morning bought a treat with the arrival of the weekly market – the largest in the state of Micholocan, a fact told to me proudly by a lady selling indigenous clothes. We counted a grand total of one other white person while in town – a nice change from our beloved, but ex-pat-heavy San Pancho.

me and my new guitar

Before we left, there was one more mission to accomplish: I wanted to buy a guitar – not the refined, fancy version a la Jess – but a suitable one for beginners like Steve and I. The musicians in the group helped me shop, and, after much deliberation, I settled on the first one I’d tried. We’ve named him Leonard, but I suspect it’s actually female.


And so we headed home with our new instruments and gifts from the market – but there was still one last thing to add to our loot…

We found him about four hours into the journey during a gas station stop for lemon peanuts, ice-lollies and coffee. He ran up to Jesse and, on noticing they had the same hair, it was deigned a match made by the Gods. The gas-station attendents said he’d turned up a year before, had no home, and would we please take him home to give him a better life. Jesse couldn’t resist the little one’s sideways smile and so it was decided, he was taking the ragamuffin home.

Jesse and Tom

And that’s how five became six on our journey back to Paracho. Tom Junks, as he’s been christened by Jesse, has settled in with ease to the good life in San Pancho. He recognized his name within hours and has already become a popular face in town. Jess is delighted with his guitar and I’m slowly learning to bear the pain on my fingers as I learn to play mine.

Horrible mask

The final outcome of the roadtrip is yet to happen – when Jesse wakes his roommate wearing the dreadful mask. I’ll let you know the outcome…

27 thoughts on “Road trippin’ to Paracho, land of guitars”

  1. I love everything about this post Victoria; the words, the images, the friendship, the warmth… and most of all, that dog! What a beautiful road trip you guys shared!

    • Thanks you Hannah! Jesse has now returned to California and has taken Tom with him – quite the journey for a street dog from a gas station!

  2. Great story and stunning photos 🙂 nothing like unplanned trips always come with great memory. Mexico was one of the countries we wanted to visit but we had to chose against Bolivia!

    Safe travel

    • So many decisions as a traveller. We’ve been ‘stuck’ in mexico so long that we’ve missed the rest of Central America. All the more reason to return, I guess!

    • That’s so wonderful that you recognised them. I’ll pass on your kind words. We love their show too. Selinger is excellent with the hula hoop!

  3. What an awesome trip, beautifully written and photographed. Good luck with the guitar, my boyfriend just purchaced one here in Playa, Im sure you got a better deal going to the source!

    • Hi what kind of guitar did you get in Playa? And could you tell me where you got it? I am on the hunt for a really nice guitar from Mexico

      • I bought a classical guitar in Paracho not Playa. I’m afraid I don’t know the details and I don’t have it on me right now. Sorry not to be more useful. If you go to Paracho, you’ll find tons of guitar shops. Ask around and I’m sure you’ll get some good recommendations and advice. Good luck!

  4. Hello there! We stumbled across your blog about a month ago whilst preparing to ride our bicycles through Guanajuato and Michoacán states. We had heard about Paracho, but didn’t know much about it. Your blog post was really helpful for us in deciding to go there and buy a little guitar for our journeys. We have just posted on our blog about our experience shopping for a tiny guitar in Paracho and linked back to your post. We hope you enjoy it!

    All the best,
    Lars & Jenny

    • Yay! I’m so delighted to hear you went to Paracho too. It’s an awesome place. We love our guitar from there.

  5. What a great post. The pictures are fantastic! As a guitarist, I have so very much wanted to travel to Paracho to experience the guitar festival, but have been unable to make my way there. You’ve inspired me to look to 2014 to finally make this happen! Keep up the great work, and thanks!

  6. I was looking for information about the Cuban Tres guitar when I found The Paracho guitars website and to my surprise they had the guitar I was looking for and I bought it.
    The instrument sounds great at a great price.

  7. Hi , just curious, i found this website by accident, and i read about the
    roadtrip to Paracho. I play guitar and would like to know if anyone knows about
    a person or persons planning to go to Paracho? I’ve never been there, but if i could go
    there with people who speak Spanish, and are also prospective guitar buyers, i may be
    interested in taking a trip to Paracho. Let me know if anyone knows about anyone
    who’s thinking of going there……..thanks…………….frank

  8. What a great post. The pictures are fantastic! As a guitarist, I have so very much wanted to travel to lots of new places and collect new experience. You’ve inspired me, keep up the great work, and thanks!


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