Six of the Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Buenos Aires

Last updated on March 6, 2024

Best vegetarian restuarants in Buenos Aires |Mushroom ceviche at Kensho, Buenos Aires

People often ask us how we coped as vegetarians in Buenos Aires, land of meat lovers, and the truth is, it was one of the best cities we have ever been in for vegetarian restaurants.  

This is a list of our top six best vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires. Not all are 100 per cent vegetarian but instead have great vegetarian options.

You can find more in our posts on vegetarian puerta cerradasPalermo’s best cafes and cheap, vegetarian fast food in Buenos Aires. But first, here’s the best Buenos Aires vegetarian restaurants.

The best Buenos Aires vegetarian restaurants

1. Buenos Aires Verde

Gorriti 5657, Palermo Hollywood

Best vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires |Pancake at Buenos Aires Verde

We were surprised to find a raw food restaurant in Rio, but even more so in Buenos Aires, land of beef. It’s a little brightly lit for our liking but the food more than makes up for that.

Most of the menu is raw (or ‘life food’ as they call it) and includes delicious raw crepes with cashew cheese and a Thai vegetarian curry. It wasn’t cheap otherwise we’d have eaten there every day! There’s also a shop with a selection of health foods and raw chocolate treats.

2. Hierbabuena

Av.Caseros 454, San Telmo

Best vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires | Hierba Buena

We discovered Hierbabuena when exploring San Telmo market. The charming cafe/restaurant is a hodgepodge of styles that blend together to make a cosy, inviting place for a spot of lunch, tea or dinner.

Best vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires | Veggie burger at HierbabuenaThere’s an old-fashioned mirrored bar stocked with liquor; a hand-painted wall full of eco and self-motivating quotes; pretty checkered tablecloths; and a comfy sofa area at the front. The food is delicious, including a yummy tofu curry, cheesy enchiladas and a hearty mushroom burger. We loved the goji lemonade.

3. Sarkis

1100 Thames, Villa Crespo

Best vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires |Sarkis rice

Armenian food is popular in Buenos Aires and this seems to be the restaurant of choice, The night we went there was a queue outside before it opened at 8 and many of the diners  had per-ordered their food so it came out immediately.

The menu is in Armenian so we asked for vegetarian recommendations and were given an amazing selection of falafel, tabbouleh, stuffed vine leaves, fruity rice and dumplings in a creamy sauce. It was one of the best meals we had in the city and we loved the restaurant’s local, friendly atmosphere.

After dinner, if you walk up a few blocks on the same road, there is a small hidden bar called 878 (Thames, 878), which serves amazing cocktails – just ring the doorbell and they’ll let you in.

It also has a pretty good food menu. The night we went a famous TV chef was sitting at the next table, which can only be a good sign!

4. Siamo nel Forno

Costa Rica 5886, Palermo Hollywood

Best vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires | Siamo Nel Forno pizza

We weren’t fans of the thick-crust Argentine pizzas so were delighted to find Siamo nel Forno, which serves perfect Italian-style pizzas. We had a take-away but the inside is warm and cosy, with a huge wood fired over taking centre stage.

We had a simple margarita, which was one of the best pizzas we’ve ever eaten, with perfect squishy sourdough. Yum.

Best vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires |Bio

5. Bio

We also liked Bio (Humboldt 2192, Palermo Hollywood), which despite looking a bit too vegetarian (the kind of place that loses sight of taste) served a good lentil burger and unusual tofu in mustard sauce. It’s not very pretty in the day, with bare walls, but gets cosier at night.

6. Estilo Veggie

Best vegetarian Buenos Aires - Estilo Veggie

Estilo Veggie is a popular vegan restaurant, which also hosts a range of workshops, including cooking classes whee you can learn to make the restaurant’s dishes. The burgers and sandwiches are very popular. Plus some of the seats are swing benches that hang from the ceiling!

Other popular options include Arte Sano Naturista, Naturaleza Sabia and Sacro.

There are other options in our blogs on Palermo’s best cafes, Palermo’s cheap eats, and vegetarian puerta cerradas. La Catedral tango hall is also vegetarian.

9 thoughts on “Six of the Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Buenos Aires”

  1. This was a mouthwatering round-up indeed! As a fellow vegetarian I have bookmarked this page and will be referring back to it when I make it to Buenos Aires. Now I have to go make a sandwich – you guys have made me so hungry!

  2. you put more than one restaurant that are not vegetarians… baraka, pan y teatro, hierbabuena, sarkis… they sell MEAT!!! what a mistake!

    • Hi Camilio, we say at the top of the post that not all the restaurants are 100% vegetarian but instead have excellent vegetarian options. We find that you often find the best vegetarian food in regular restaurants.


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