A family holiday in Tuscany: a photo story

Last updated on March 18, 2022

San Gimignano

In May, Steve and I joined his Mum, Dad, two brothers and their wives, and one baby for a family holiday to Tuscany. It’s about time we shared the photos.

We stayed in this villa in a charming Tuscan hill town named Impruneta.

Man behind a wall in Italy

It’s one of those places where time is not a priority,

Window in Tuscany
Tuscan countryside

…character is plentiful,

…and beauty stretches in all directions.

Jug in San Gimiano

One day we went to visit San Gimignano, a nearby walled medieval town in the hills of Tuscany.

Mandala plate in San Gimiano

The pottery was gorgeous,

Ice cream in San Gimiano

…and the gelato, award-winning.

Choosing award winning gelato

It was serious business trying to choose a flavour.

Siena graffiti

Another day we went to Siena,

Victoria walking in Siena

…where we wandered the ancient streets,

Siena main square

…and people-watched in the square.

Outside the duomo in Siena

The city’s centre piece is the Duomo, a candy-striped cathedral,

Statue in Siena

…full of elegant statues,

Detail rom painting in Siena

…and delightful details.

Duomo in Siena

It’s a building where you need to look up,

Ceiling of Duomo two


Carpaccio at Al Tranvai

…and again.

Spaghetti at Al Tranvai, Florence

When we went to Florence, perhaps one of the most beautiful cities in the world, we mysteriously failed to take any photos, apart from of our meal at the excellent Al Tranvai (thank you Never Ending Voyage for the tip).

Carpaccio at Al Tranvai

It was the perfect example of the Italian’s mastery of simple ingredients…

Food at Al Tranvai in Florence

…delivering awesome taste.

Me and Phoebe

We also discovered a revolution in wine tasting, which deserves a post of its own (next week). It was a beautiful week, not least because we were surrounded by family. It’s not often our two becomes nine.

Steve and Ros

Steve was so excited, he became Italian.

Have you been to Tuscany? Any tips for our next trip (we will of course be back. The gelato and food demands it).

More posts on Italy

Most of the travelling we’ve done in Italy predates this blog, but we recently went to Puglia where we visited the incredible Notte delle Luci festival of lights. Steve made a beautiful video of the psychedelic spectacle. We also explored some of the Salento region and have written a round-up of some of the things to do in Puglia. We love Italy so no doubt we’ll be back soon and will be sharing more stories filled with pizza, gelato and pasta. We also went on and amazing road trip in North Italy including Como and Cinque Terre. And another from Florence to the Amalfi Coast

24 thoughts on “A family holiday in Tuscany: a photo story”

  1. I love the photo of Steve being all Italian 😉 But seriously, all of your photos make us miss Tuscany and we hope we’ll get to go back soon – one of our favorite places in the world!

  2. These photos are stunning and I love the way you’ve used them to tell the story of your holiday. Sounds like it was brilliant. We travelled with Dave’s parents and my parents earlier this year and it was wonderful.

  3. We always push Tuscany down on our list because it seems like some place we could easily go with family some day … but really that gelato might make us re-think our priorities.

  4. So wonderful that you were able to spend quality time exploring with family and shift your travels to have that experience. Lovely journey through a region of the world I love (though — no photos of Florence?!) 🙂


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