Last updated on January 11, 2024
I started to notice it in Buenos Aires. Friends would meet me a drink “after therapy”, my Spanish teacher would fit me in around her sessions, and everyone would pepper conversations with “my therapist says…”. I soon realised that nearly every Argentine I met was either in, or had been in, therapy – but more surprising than that was that they were happy to talk about it too.
This isn’t something I’m used to in the UK where, although apparently one in five people have sought help from a therapist, it still has a stigma attached to it. Things have certainly improved since the days when it could only be whispered in hushed tones, but you won’t find people talking about it like they would a trip to the supermarket.
With a little investigation, I found out that Buenos Aires is widely considered to be the psychodynamic capital of the world, rivaling New York for highest number of psychoanalysts. One article estimated that there’s one therapist for every 30 people in the city. It’s one of the most popular career paths to follow at university, and there’s even an area in Palermo nicknamed Villa Freud.
The benefits of therapy
On first impressions, I found this all rather brilliant. I studied psychotherapy last year and, as part of the course, had to be in therapy for the duration. It was a difficult time, full of challenges and realisations, but ultimately it made me more self-aware. I’m learning to be kinder to myself, less quick to judge, and more understanding of others. It definitely left me thinking that, with the right therapist and method, everyone could probably do with some sessions – if only to know themselves better and grow their compassion.
So, as an advocate of therapy, I was delighted to see so many people openly talking about it and seeking help themselves. But still I wondered why? What makes it so popular here?
It was brought to Argentina by Europeans but has taken off here more than in its homeland. I started to ask around and found mixed responses. “We’re emotional people. We need help with all those emotions,” explained one friend. “Just listen to the words of tango.” It may be true but that didn’t quite cut it. Other cultures are famously ’emotional’, yet they don’t seek therapy as widely as Argentines.
Others looked to the country’s long history of political and financial instability. The current situation is a constant source of frustration for Argentines. For example, if you want to buy something like a car or plane ticket, you have to prove where the money you’re buying it with came from. We met a reiki teacher who, because his profession wasn’t recognised by the government, couldn’t buy anything of value; his earning were considered invalid.
Throughout the country, we’ve heard stories of similar frustrations. While perhaps a reason for why many Argentines feel the need to seek therapy, it doesn’t quite explain why they do. Other countries have similar financial woes but do not consider the help of a psychotherapist a reasonable option.
Birthday boob jobs
Another theory people had about the popularity of psychotherapy was linked to a different national obsession – plastic surgery. I asked a friend about it, only for her to divulge that she had her lips done every few months.
She wasn’t embarrassed, but instead said: “I have small lips, of course I make them bigger.” Collagen lip injections are a tiny example of a huge menu of alterations Argentines opt for. Breast implants are a common birthday present for teenagers, and women with face lifts can be seen everywhere.
One student told us that his friends get one surgical procedure free with their health plan each year. If they make it to December without needing to use it for anything medical, they use it for plastic surgery instead. Physical manipulation is as accepted as psychotherapy.
For me, this definitely isn’t so brilliant. Society’s obsession with image is something that saddens me and seems like an inevitable cause for unnecessary suffering. It is perhaps unsurprising to hear that Argentina also has one of the highest rates of anorexia in the world.
In relation to therapy, friends suggested that the national desire for, and obsession with, physical perfection could suggest a desire for emotional perfection too. And that’s where therapists come in. As a ‘chicken or egg’ situation, a preoccupation with image may also drive people to therapy. And to bring it full circle, some blame therapy for Argentines’ negativity in the first place. In fact, in the 1970s, a right-wing military junta singled out therapy as a cause of Argentina’s problems, including excessive navel-gazing.
There’s clearly no single answer to why psychotherapy thrives in Argentina, but there was one final theory that interested me. Gaston, a psychology student we couchsurfed with explained the unique history of Argentine culture and its potential impact on the national psyche.
It’s a country that was once inhabited by indigenous peoples, but is now dominated by a majority of Italian and Spanish descendants. Nearly all the original inhabitants were killed during colonisation and the Conquest of the Desert (an event which is oddly heralded on the 100peso note).
Argentina is unique within South America for its lack of indigenous people, and clear European influence. Gaston explained that this has created a nation of people disconnected with their land – with no concrete sense of place, home or identity. Therapy is an obvious reaction to this as it offers a way to connect with the self and explore one’s identity.
Whether or not this is a reason for the proliferation of therapy in Argentina, we found it interesting to think of the country’s make-up and foundations. Indeed, our one question – ‘Why are so many Argentines in therapy?’ – may not have provided us with an answer, but it did lead us down many intriguing paths of inquiry and insight.
Let us know if you have any of your own theories.
When I moved to NYC, I was shocked by the commonality of people talking about their therapists in normal conversation (even people I had just met!) Fascinating that there is another culture where this is just as common!
I haven’t been to New York yet so this was my first experience of such openness about therapy. I like it that way. I don’t think it should be something to hide. Pleased you enjoyed the article 🙂
Comparto la visión de Gastón. La historia de Argentina está plagada de genocidios (al igual que la historia de toda América), y a eso habría que sumarle el hecho de ser en un 90 por ciento descendientes de inmigrantes escapados de las guerras. Estos traumas deben ser tramitados en algún momento. Si no lo hizo la generación que lo vivió, inevitablemente lo harán generaciones posteriores.
Más allá de esto, también hay que reconocer que en Argentina es tan común la terapia porque fue una tierra fértil de muy buenos autores y psicoanalistas.
Saludos desde Argentina!
I agree. I found Gaston’s view the most interesting. I had no idea about that side of Argentina’s history before I came here.
And yes, you’re right you have awesome authors – Borges is Steve’s number one favourite.
I had no idea that so many people had therapy in Argentina. This is so weird but just shows that if you spend a little while in a country and chat to the locals you find out so much more!
I think it’s great that people talk about their emotions but I don’t really get why they don’t just talk to their friends and family (unless they have a serious problem). And the boobs for birthdays is just weird!
It’s true, you can find out a lot if you just ask. I like that one simple question led to so many insights. I found the whole boob jobs for birthdays quite sad. Our obsession with physical appearance seems to cause so much suffering. It’s something that drives me crazy about the media in England as so many of the magazines encourage it.
So true, Buenos Aires especially is full of psyschologists! Most of my friends in Argentina either studied Psychology or Sociology. Deep thinkers. 🙂
Yes, that’s for sure. We met so many psychology students!
Wow, great post and very well written! I dont have any theories but I love the ones you came up with!
Thank you Shey! That’s really kind of you to say. I’m pleased you enjoyed it 🙂
I saw a therapist myself for a brief period to help me deal with my issues surrounding my debt, and the guilt and shame attached to that. I truly believe in the power of self-expression, and how healing therapy can be.
In response to Monica’s previous comment as to why people don’t just talk to friends and family – this isn’t always an option, and a trained professional can usually offer you a much greater insight than a friendly ear. Even though I don’t feel that I had a ‘serious problem’, I still felt the need to examine things more deeply, and am forever grateful that I did.
I really enjoyed this post Victoria – it makes a welcome change from the usual travel blog posts and your writing skills are impeccable as always 🙂
Hannah, lovely to hear from you. Thank you for your kind comments 🙂
I agree that a trained therapist can offer something different to friends and family. I think it’s having a disinterested party that makes a difference. And of course, having someone who is trained to help you see things clearly for yourself. It’s a huge subject that I might explore further in another post one day.
Great post! This was something I wondered about when I was in Argentina. I think the Argentine attitude towards therapy is quite enlightened – hopefully other countries start to catch on
Thanks Kat. I agree. I think it can only be a good thing to get to know yourself better. I think it’s a shame people often see it as a weakness of sorts, when really it’s very brave.
I’m an argentinian, living in Mexico.
As you can imagine, I used to go to therapy back in Buenos Aires.
Here in Mexico I’ve told a couple of persons about it, and they didn’t take it so normal.
There is a tricky part in all this.
I know a lot of people that have more than 5 or 6 years going to therapy. People with no serious problems. It’s like a routine. Relations in Argentina are shallow most of the times. Someone will tell you a quote their Therapist told them on a session, and maybe why they go there. People talk about it anytime it jumps in a conversation, and that’s because they don’t care what the other people think about it. Psychology isn’t taboo when you have nothing to be ashame of.
Thanks for your comments Alex. It’s great to hear from an Argentinian on the subject. I agree that therapy shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. I admire people for seeking help and trying to improve/know themselves.
I majored in Psych briefly in college, and am in a relationship with a Psych major, so it probably comes as no surprise that I think therapy is awesome and people should be more open about it. I went to counseling, both individually and as a couple, for 18 months before deciding to file for divorce, and it did wonders for my level of self-awareness and communication. Highly recommend it for anyone who’s hit a stumbling block in life!
Thanks Bret. It’s great to hear you had positive experience from counselling too. I think it’s something everyone could benefit from – if only to increase their self-awareness.
Therapy can play a big role to make your life easier and it really helps to understand yourself if you confused about something. I went for a couples therapy when I had some issues with my husband and after attending the session, I find myself far more better situation than before.
I’d like to find out more? I’d want to find out more details.
thank you for an excellent piece. I really appreciate the way you think carefully through different possibilities, and try each on for size. A mark of really good thinking. thanks!
Was just fwd-ed this and having lived x a decade at Cl. Diaz Avenue and Charcas Boulevard, which is the unofficial gate to our Palermo Freud neighborhood, I can confirm 8 our of 10 people on the street on a regular afternoon in that area are going to their therapy session and the other are therapists commuting between offices.
Its a middle class phenomenon for sure and if you ask me why then I have to say first of all because middle class here as everywhere is aspirational, but from our geographical, political and historical circumstances middle class in Argentina and even more in Buenos Aires city has extra aspirational pressures and goals that are not shared with our neighboring countries, except maybe Chile. Not sure where this comes from but in the early 1900s Latin-american countries, the US and Europe had extremely high expectations for the society in this spectacular and young country that was selling cows and corn and was boasting industrialization that would rank very high right there at the top with Germany.
So in essence and as a consequence, fast forward 100 years and for failure of these developments our middle class will never allow itself to be “Argentinean” before being able to dress as smart as the Italians, becoming as stiff lipped as the British, learning to be as refined as the french, proud as the Germans and as cool as Americans. The Spanish are for some very obvious reasons left out of the picture. Then you have to learn to speak English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese, become acquainted with French and US cinema and more than a couple of TV series visit Paris, Rome, London, New York, the more times the merrier, become a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer, get married, buy a house, have children and belong to a prestigious sports club that should totally have an English, French or American affiliation. Oh, and please make sure you can afford a sail boat in said club. If possible own two horses and if not then at least you should learn to play rugby before soccer. And I am leaving out gym and physical aesthetics of course as they are already pointed out in the blog entry.
Put all of the above into a middle class teenagers brain and by your mid 30s or earlier he is inevitably going to therapy for not feeling successful, if not entirely suicidal because he cannot find meaning in life.
All this is changing of course as the millennial generation is kinda getting rid of these aspirational pressures, but the toll can still be seen in that our middle class has very small room and space to be and also to get to define what is, after all these years, being argentinean… beyond eating an asado on Sunday or enjoying our own version of pizza with friends on a Saturday night.
In the larger metropolis of “failed states” like Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Caracas etc is where plastic surgery and the failed Freudian cult seems to thrive, provided that one’s super literate, literate ( or semi-literate) ego got enough money to keep analysis going on and on, until one can brag that – it is possible to nail the water …
Interesting that so many Freudian are unable to dance and walk to their hearts and gut content – but talk nonstop: The delusive gift of the gab in these interesting times ( climate change included) seem unabated for those who still believe that it is possible to nail the water. Keep breathing …Would you?
There is nothing more pretentious, chi chi, than wannabe third world like ( dressed at la cultured French …) Latino America’s traffic ( corruption and crime) congested Meccas of the Freudian cult, while plastic surgery is the norm of course…It is a madness out there …the blind leading the blind. And about New York …please.
It is not a surprise that two metropolis located in failed states, Brazil and Argentina, are the chi chi nest of the (failed and going down the drain) Freudian cult. So many vested interested are invested in such a programmed need for ( Freudian of course) therapy …Elsewhere in the world Freud is out – the one who lied, misappropriate other’s friend insights, and, then, drop his friends to his resentful oblivion. The man, Freud, was obsessed by money, power, social status in the chi chi Vienna’s society, and had a talent to surround him by rich, neurotic heiress, Jewesses that demanded all his attention – and endless years of (failed) therapy. Freud had wonderful literary talent, but there was no money to be made in literature…so he envision a cult that had done terrible harm to the West, and people in general. Based on lies but what a gorgeous way of creating interesting writing out of his obsessions and repressed, homo sexual neuroses ..It seems that the message is that one needs a lot of money to be part of the Freudian cult. Bring in Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, trying to be Freudianized to the point of (expensive) oblivion.
Actually, there is a lot of Lacan theory here, but… Ok.
As an Argentine myself I can’t help but think about the financial aspect. In other countries not only therapy but also medicine might be too expensive for people to even consider going unless they absolutely must. Whereas in Argentina, although therapy will usually be paid, it may be affordable like medicine in general.
I’m impressed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s
both educative and interesting, and without a doubt,
you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is something which too few folks are speaking
intelligently about. Now i’m very happy that I found this in my hunt for something
relating to this.
I think it’s because it’s set that “everybody needs therapy”, it is common in Argentina that as soon as you get into a medical insurance plan you have to go to the dentist and therapy. When you are a kid if you behave in a “not so normal way” they send you to a ‘psicopedagogo’ to talk, when you grow up you go to a psychologist, if you have bigger problems you go to a psychiatrist. We are used to that.
As an argentinian I think pride is a very strong factor in all this. Pride sometimes blocks us from showing our inner problems to friends so we go to therapists.
Loved that part of us being emotional. Its true: emotional and passionate!
We are tought early from school to love our country and our national symbols very intensely and as grownups we have conflicting feelings since we realize our country is continuosly in crisis. I’m no pyscologists but I think pride with a not so good reality can be mentally harmful.