A weekend by the beach in Bali

Last updated on January 11, 2024

Victoria on Balangan beach Bali

As we approached our last weekend in Bali, we realised we’d only managed to visit the beach once in our entire five months there. Both of us had been so busy on our various projects that we’d had little time off, and Ubud kept us more than entertained for the leisure time we did have. In fact, aside from our trip to the Gilis and Village Above the Clouds, we hadn’t left the town for more than a day trip.

This is madness for a girl who loves beaches and is living on an island so when the final weekend came, we decided we really had to visit the coast – we were, after all, about to head back to a very cold UK!

We debated heading to Amed, but finally decided on the Bukit peninsula, in particular the surf beach, Balangan. Here are some photos from our trip.

See these beach quotes to get you in mood for a coastal getaway.

Boomerang at Bali water park

One of the main draws of heading south was the water park in Kuta. Everything we’d heard about Kuta had put us off paying a visit, but Waterbom proved too much temptation. Neither of us had been to a water park in years but had nothing but fun memories of them. We weren’t sure how that would translate to adulthood, but I can tell you this now: It’s even better!

Not only has water park technology come a long way since our childhood, but the rush of adrenaline is as strong as ever. See the video at the end for a taste of just how crazy the slides were (you can see the terror on my face!) I can’t recommend that place enough! It’s one for your Bali bucket list!

Green moss at Balangan beach

After our day at the Waterbom, we headed to Balangan beach, a rugged surf spot with little development beyond a terrace of wooden shacks, all sporting the same menu.  The tide was out, revealing a carpet of rich green moss,

Sunset on Balangan beach

…with mirrored rock pools setting the perfect scene for a sunset show.

Cocktail on Balangan beach

We sat back with cocktails and marveled…

Sundown Balangan Beach

…as the colours seeped from blue into lilac and beyond.

Sunset Bali beach Balangan

The sun flashed yellow as it made its final descent,

Purple sunset on Balangan beach

…and the whole sky turned brilliant purple. It’s one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen.

Upstairs at Finns Beach Club

The next day, we headed to Finn’s Beach Club. We’d heard from some friends in town that it was one of the prettiest beaches in Bali, and our first glimpse did nothing to question that.

Funicular to Finns Beach Club Bali

A funicular takes you down to the beach,

Finns Beach Club Bali from above

…which, unlike the ruggedness of Balangan, reminded us of the Caribbean,

Finns Beach Club beach Bali

…with powder white sand,

Perfect beach at Finns Beach Club

…and picture postcard views.

Beach umbrella at Finns beach club

We set up camp on the sun loungers while we waited for the tide to come in,

Finns beach club from the beach

… and went for some walks around the coast,

Men fishing Bali

…while watching men fish in the rocky pools. We also did some snorkeling and wished so much we had an underwater camera (soon…).

Food at Finns Beach Club Bali

As is only right in such decadent surroundings, we gorged on pizza and sangria before sleeping it off beneath our umbrellas.

Steve, Victoria and Caspar at Finns, Bali
Us with our friend Caspar who was visiting from London.

We may have only made it to the beach twice in Bali but both times were beautiful and we wish we’d visited more. Make sure not to make the same mistake as us and get too lost in the vortex of Ubud! Bali has plenty more to offer.

For your amusement, here’s a video of me braving Climax at Waterbom – one of the most exhilarating rides I’ve ever been on!

Useful info on the Bukit Peninsula

We travelled to Kuta and the Bukit on our scooters. Unlike in Ubud, the police around these areas seem to stop scooters all the time and ask to see your international driving license. If you don’t have one, you either have to travel to Denpassar to pay a fine, or pay the police up front (around $10).

Entry to Waterbom costs $31 and is worth every single penny.

We stayed at Brothers Bungalows in Balangan, a mid-range option with comfortable beds and a good swimming pool. We paid about $20 for a double but it would be cheaper to stay in one of the restaurants on the beach, many of which double as guesthouses.

At Finn’s Beach Club, you pay $25 to get in and then can use that as credit for food and drinks. It’s not a budget option but is worth it if you are after some privacy. You’re also able to use all of their beach equipment for free, which includes snorkels and stand-up paddle boards.  The beach club gave us complimentary entry, but all opinions are of course our own.

We also heard great things about Bingin beach and would recommend that if you want somewhere a little livelier than Balangan.

If you’re heading to Bali, here’s a useful packing guide.

12 thoughts on “A weekend by the beach in Bali”

    • Thanks Kellie. The video makes me laugh every time. We became completely addicted to that ride. The feeling of anticipation before the floor fell anyway was incredible!

  1. For such a relatively small place, it’s easy to lose yourself in Bali as there really is so much to see and do while there. We had grand plans (as always) of how we would spend about 3 weeks on the island and see everything there was to see… and of course failed miserably. We did make it to Amed and did some lovely diving, but I think the beach you visited might be nicer. I’m glad you managed to squeeze your beach weekend in!

  2. Loved this post. I’ve been just over two months on the island of La Gomera, and haven’t done a 10th of the stuff I intended to for similar reasons! You made me realize I need to get out and about more before it’s too late!!

    I’ve never seen a yellow sunset flash, but have seen turquoise ones – twice, here in the Canary Islands. I’d become convinced, over the years, that it was a myth, and I was SO excited the first time I saw it!!

  3. Indonesia has been on my list with a lot of hopping around, hoping for a 2 week excursion there later this year. Thank you for the helpful tips, there is so much to know and semi-plan before I would go!


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