Kochi, Kerala photo essay

Last updated on January 22, 2024

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One of my most snap-happy days in India was spent wandering the streets of Kochi (or Cochin) in Kerala. The city is known as a centre for Kerala’s art scene and the Kochi Biennale was taking place while we were there. We spent a gorgeous day simply wandering around the city and stopping every few steps to take a photo – it was sensory overload in all the the best ways. Here is a little photo essay of some of our favourite snaps from the city. Most were taken on the gorgeous Bazaar Road, which had tons of beautiful buildings.


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I think this is one of the best posters I’ve ever seen.

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Kochi is also famous for its Chinese fishing nets. These ones are just outside of the city. We saw them on our journey with Kabeer (details in our Alleppey houseboat post).

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The food in Kochi was also a highlight. The above thali was from Dal Roti, a good value restaurant specialising in North Indian cuisine.

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Plus this happened to the sky at night!

Practical info about Kochi

Most visitors to Kochi arrive via Ernakulam, which is its much bigger neighbour. This can be reached by a 20-min ferry or a 30-min car ride.

We took a tuk-tuk all the way from Alleppey with Kabeer who I mentioned in the Alleppey section of our Kerala itinerary post. After Kabeer helped us to find a houseboat in Alleppey, he showed us a book filled with compliments from previous customers. We noticed that lots of people had praised his route from Alleppey to Kochi where he takes the quiet coastal road and stops along the way at various sights and beautiful beaches. It was more expensive (1000 IDR) than taking the bus but well worth it for the things we saw (Chinese fishing nets, a church in the shape of a boat, crafts villages and Marrari beach). Kabeer was also great company. His contact details are 9895860674 or [email protected].

You can read more about the details of our time there in our Kerala itinerary post.

Have you been to Kochi? Do you have any tips to share?

20 thoughts on “Kochi, Kerala photo essay”

  1. Wow, these photos make me want to book a flight out there right now. I’ve wanted to visit Kerela for a long time now and will hopefully finally make it out there in the next couple of years. Love the street art… And that thali looks amazing!

  2. Great photos, I’d love to visit southern India one day!

    I particularly love the Shahrukh Khan advertising the internet poster, I made a thing of spotting the random stuff he was emblazoned on when I was in India. I don’t ever remember he’d reached the heady heights of internet ads though!

    Is it me, or does the red guy with the sword on the tightrope look a little like Putin?

  3. Amazing photos. Love the shot of the goats.I have been interested in Kerala region because of the amazing food culture. Would love to make that our first destination in India.

  4. Yes, I have been to Kochi. It’s a beautiful city with lots of green pastures. I went there during the monsoons, which made it look even more refreshing and clean. Your photos are evocative. I didn’t get to explore these charming streets. Which part of Kochi is this?

  5. I love every pieces of your shots; the truck, the old houses, the old/new posters (and I agree with you, that guy in the poster is also one of the best posters I’ve seen), their installation arts looks so amazing but the best part is the rainbow. I haven’t seen anyone did it.. now I’m thinking of copying it. 😉
    Great post!

  6. Now, why did you have to go posting these India photos when we’re trying so hard to be good and stay at home??

    Great symmetry in your images! Plus, I think you darn near got every type of Indian transport in your photos. Love the essay, guys!

  7. Beautiful photos and a great blog! i came back from India a couple days ago, with the help of your blog i managed to plan the most unforgettable trip! Thank you for that 🙂 What software do you use to edit your photos?

    • That’s so lovely to hear! I’m so happy the blog was useful 🙂 And regarding photos, we use Lightroom and VSCO Cam. Happy travels 🙂

  8. Your information and fabulous photos are an inspiration. We are currently planning a similar trip to Kerala this July, and will use your advice, recommendations and special people for sure. Thank you!

  9. I’m from Fort Kochi, and it is oh so wonderful to see my little town being showcased to the world. Thank you for sharing your experience. 🙂


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