Iguazu Falls: excellent splendour of the universe

Last updated on January 11, 2024

Our visit to Iguazu Falls gave birth to a new catchphrase: ‘Exxxxcellent splennndoooooourrrrrrrrr of the universssssse’. This has to be shouted in a mighty way as if a superhero, preferably with one joyous hand thrust into the air.

Why visit Iquazu falls?

At the end of out trip, we had a tiredness that reminded us of days spent at theme parks as teenagers, fuzzy from the repeated rush of adrenaline. Every view is like a ride with the La Garganta del Diablo (the Devil’s Throat) being the main event.

It’s the mind boggling moment that the placid river meets the furious rush of the falls, creating a magnificent roar and an incessant cloud of steam. You can stand startlingly close to the mouth, requiring a leap of faith in the park’s safety standards. Every time we tried to leave, we felt pulled back towards it. “Again, again, again!”

Iguazu Falls travel tips

Here are some photos and some travel tips for visiting Iguazu Falls….

Tips for how to visit Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls (or Iguaço Falls) are on the border of Argentina and Brazil. From the Brazil side, you can get a beautiful overview of the falls and see them from afar, but it’s on the Argentinian side that you get up close and personal with them. There’s no doubt that the Argentinian side offers a more spectacular experience, and if you only get the chance to do one side then the choice is easy.  The falls were recently named one of seven natural wonders of the world and they certainly deserve that title. One of the most spectacular sights is the Devil’s Throat, which is where half of the flow of the River Iguazu falls. The roar of the fall, which is 82 metres high and 150m wide is tremendous.

You can access the falls from Foz do Iguacu on the Brazilian side and Puerto Iguazu on the Argentinian side. Puerto Iguazu is the prettier option when choosing somewhere to stay. Foz do Iguaço is a 13-hour bus ride from Sao Paulo or a 1.5hour flight, and Puerto Iguazu is a long 18-hour hour bus ride from Buenos Aires, or an expensive 2-hour flight.

Contemplation at La Garganta del Diablo

Some of the guide books say to save this until the end of your visit, but we went first thing in the morning when the crowds were smaller. You have to get there by train so if you wait until your train load has had their fill, you might be lucky and get some time at the throat almost alone before the next train arrives. It’s a wonderful place for contemplation so there’s no need to rush.

Although the Devil’s Throat is the most spectacular of Iguazu’s sights, the rest of the park is stunning too. There are over 150 waterfalls of all shapes and sizes, which can be explored on upper and lower trails through the forest. Go on a sunny day and you’ll likely see rainbows in the fall’s spray and butterflies darting about. It’s like a fairytale land.

Another highlight was an exhilarating boat ride under the falls. Before trying it ourselves, we saw people clapping at the end and thought ‘how sweet’ until we emerged clapping manically after our own go. It puts any water ride to shame and beware: you will get wet!

The creatures of Iguazu

You will also undoubtedly see Coatis, furry little scamps with long noses who potter around the park looking cute but ready to bite. We also saw incredible, brightly coloured butterflies and some monkeys. There is also a quieter trail you can follow where it’s easier to spot wildlife. We saw a capybara, and my favourite – the armadillo! There’s a natural pool at the end of the trail where you can swim.

This all happened on the Argentinian side of the falls, but we also visited the Brazillian side, which is where our catchphrase was born.

Enjoy your trip to Iguazu Falls!

We hope you enjoy our photos and feel inspired to cry with us: Exxxxcellent splennndoooooourrrrrrrrr of the universssssse! Yeah!

2 thoughts on “Iguazu Falls: excellent splendour of the universe”

  1. Exxxxcellent splennndoooooourrrrrrrrr of the universssssse indeed!! I cannot wait to visit Iguazu! I am obsessed with waterfalls…so the worlds most epic one will probably give me a heart attack with the excitement! haha Beauuuutiful photos!


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