Sagrada Familia - Things to do with Kids

31 Things to Do in Barcelona With Kids: Barcelona Family Travel Guide

Barcelona is a supremely family-friendly destination. The locals love kids, and families are made to feel welcome everywhere, from galleries to tiny tapas bars. There are lots of specific Barcelona attractions for kids, but it’s also a place where many of the classic tourist attractions will appeal to children too – from the fantastical architecture … Read more

Best Spain Road Trips - Mallorca

12 Epic Road Trips in Spain

Spain was my first travel love – I went there many times as a child, exploring the different coasts, and then did my first solo trip to Oviedo at 15 to visit friends I’d made on a Spanish exchange programme. Several years later, I fell head over heels for Barcelona and have been returning regularly … Read more

Travel to Barcelona with a baby

Barcelona with a baby – travel tips and advice

We did it! We took our first trip abroad with Otis and it turned out pretty lovely. He slept on the plane, enjoyed all the attention, and Steve and I still felt like we had a holiday, even with a baby in tow. This post is filled with all our tips for travelling to Barcelona … Read more

Ciutadella Park - Babymoon in Barcelona

The Best of What to Do in Barcelona

Barcelona is one of my favourite cities in the world and place I can’t stop returning to. It’s like a second home to me: the place where I mended a broken heart, re-found my independence and fell for a city like no other before. Later, it’s where Steve and I got together, and in the … Read more

San Pancho fire sunset

Year two on the road in photos

“How long are you off for?” “Maybe 2-5 years, who knows?” said Steve 730 days ago at our party to say goodbye. It was an answer said half-jokingly. We had no idea what this journey would look like or how long it would last for. We still don’t know where it’s going, but we do … Read more

Barcelona with a baby- Brunch and Cake

We love Barcelona: a photo story

Barcelona can’t help but be a city we love. It’s where we first got together on on fateful trip that started as a couple of friends back in 2008.  Since then, we’ve both lived in the city for stretches of time and it’s home to some of our favourite people. We’ll be returning next year … Read more