Oh my! We made a video for Lonely Planet!

Last updated on March 18, 2022

Lonely Planet video

I’ve been a mega fan of Lonely Planet since I took my first solo trip abroad more than 14 years ago. I can remember pouring over the books as I planned my trip around the world. They came to symbolise adventure, and I still get a thrill every time I buy one now. We used one recently for our trip around New Zealand, and it was so wonderful to step away from the screen and return to using paper – I’m definitely old school at heart.

A dream come true

When I was younger I used to dream of working for them, so it was literally a dream come true when they asked Steve and I to become Lonely Planet Pathfinders and make a video for them about a story I wrote last year.

I won’t write too much about it. Just watch the video instead!

Hope you like it!

P.S. And here’s an interview I did a couple of years ago with Tony Wheeler, founder of Lonely Planet.

15 thoughts on “Oh my! We made a video for Lonely Planet!”

  1. Truthfully I got a little teary watching your video. You guys are so lovely to each other and I love that you were able to share Steve’s big moment. This story serves as an important reminder that life is short, and you do only live once, so embrace opportunity! I think that these moments when we take chances and ‘say yes’ will be the ones we look back on and remember.

  2. Congratulations Victoria! May all your dream comes true…
    This video is GREAT. It shows the the true love and simplicity of you and Steve. You are celebrities now…

  3. Ah, so lovely to see both of your shining faces again!!! I loved reading about the Austin story at the time and was so happy that your boss was on your side. Sending lots of love! xx


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