Hygge things to do in Copenhagen

Last updated on July 12, 2024

Hygge things to do in Copenhagen, including lots of cosy cafes

How to find hygge things to do in Copenhagen (updated after our second trip in 2024).

Have you ever read one of those articles about untranslatable words that have no equivalent in English? The words are usually to do with a concept that has particular significance in a given country – for example wabi-sabi in Japan, friluftsliv in Norway, and juggad in India. I find these words fascinating, giving insight into how a different culture sees or values life.

One word in particular has always delighted my imagination. It’s the Danish word ‘hygge’, which defies exact translation. Originating from a Norwegian word meaning ‘well-being’, some call it ‘cosiness’ or ‘togetherness’, but one word is never enough. Hygge is a state of mind and an atmosphere that needs sentences and examples to define. The Danish Tourism Board describes it like this:

“In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Friends and family – that’s hygge too. There’s nothing more hygge than sitting round a table, discussing the big and small things in life.”

In search of hygge things to do in Copenhagen

Despite not being Danish or growing up with this concept, the essence of warmth and cosiness is one of the things I enjoy most in life. It’s why I love the seasons and wrapping up warm on cold winter nights. It’s even why I chose to return to the UK – for the warmth and togetherness of family and friends.

We went to Copenhagen for the first time in 2015 to celebrate Steve’s birthday, and then again in 2024 to celebrate both our fortieths after achieving the bucket list item of getting a reservation for Noma!

As always, our focus was on finding special places worth sharing, but in Copehagen, we also wanted them to embody a sense of hygge.

Here are our favourite finds in Copenhagen from both our trips. Most are situated around the hip Vesterbro district as that is where we stayed both times in Copenhagen.

The most cosy cafes in Copenhagen

One thing to point out is that Copenhagen is one of the best places we’ve ever been to for vegetarian brunch. All the brunches tend to come with bread, eggs, cheese, yoghurt and fruit – but all also had their own special touch, for example avocado, re-fried beans or pancakes. We had a different one every day.


Run by renowned chef Christian Puglisi, Mirabelle serves high-end brunch, lunch and dinner. They operate a “lazy bakery” concept, making small-batch, exquiste baked goods from 9:30am. You can order a brunch platter with a mixture of all their offerings, which I think is definitely the way to go – it was the best breakfast I’ve had in Copenhagen.


Hart is a small chain of bakeries, known for their excellent baked goods, especially their cardamon croissant. I can attest to its deliciousness (and I also loved the cookies!).

Andersen & Maillard

For the most indulgent chocolate croissant of your life, go to Andersen & Maillard, where he pastry knot is filled with a the creamiest of chocolate ganache. It’s incredible! People also rave about the espresso croissant.

The Laundromat Cafe

A cafe that doubles as a laundromat. We’re suckers for anything quirky and this definitely fitted the bill. This is fun one to do if you’re in Copenhagen with kids.

The Living Room

The downstairs of this cafe is particularly cosy with comfy chairs and candlelit tables. There’s also a little Moroccan-style area at the back with low tables.

Paludan Bogcafe

This sprawling book-filled cafe manages the tricky feat of being both spacious and cosy. The vegetarian brunch was excellent, including pancakes, eggs, fruits, cheese and more. The cavernous bookshop below adds to the charm.

Europa 1989

This was a definite contender for the best vegetarian brunch in Copenhagen the first time we went, and I can see the reviews are still excellent (we didn’t make it back on our second visit).

Pixie Cafe

A cute little neighbourhood cafe with a fantastic brunch (as per usual in Copenhagen).

Coffee Collective

A chain of reliably good coffee shops in Copenhagen. Go in the summer and try the coffee soft-serve or an affogato!


Trendy cafe in Vesterbro with some seriously good giant cookies!

More cafes and bakeries

Here are some other cafes and bakeries that came highly recommended but that we didn’t have time to try

La Cabra


Darcy’s Kaffe

Lille Bakery

Juno the Bakery

Best hygge restaurants in Copenhagen

Baka d’Busk

This vegetarian bistro in Nørrebro has a cosy vibe and inventive dishes at reasonable prices. The natural wine list is also excellent.


Stonebaked pizza in a candlelit, convivial atmosphere in the heart of Copenhagen’s meat packing district. We ate here on our first night and fell in love with the city instantly.

The Bridge Street Kitchen

Steve and I have always been fans of the street food revolution and Copenhagen has one of the best set-ups we’ve seen. My favourite part was that you could book a table in the central greenhouse, order your drinks and then browse the stalls in time for your drink to arrive. It was the most civilised street food market I’ve ever been to. I expect it’s even better in the summer when you can eat outside next to the river.


Another trendy pizza place in Vesterbro, Neighbourhood specialises in organic food and healthy(!) cocktails.


It’s the restaurant that needs no introduction, but I had to include it on this list as our experience there was one of the most hygge nights of my life (a meal with 6 strangers who went on to become good friends!). The food is nothing short of sensational, and while it’s currently changing it’s way of working, Noma will continue to be a presence in Copenhagen – so make sure to look out for what they’re currently up to!

La Banchina

We didn’t make it here in the end, but everyone we spoke to recommended it. The walk-in waterside restaurant has just 16 seats and the menu focusses on vegetables and seafood. There’s a sauna onsite that you can book ahead.

The cosiest bars in Copenhagen


We loved this natural wine bar in Nørrebro where you can either get cosy inside or sit out on the patio, watching the world go by. We also heard good things about Rascal and Bunchs Winebar.

The Log Lady

The Log Lady is a Twin Peaks themed cafe/bar. As massive fans of the show, we couldn’t miss it.

Ruby Cocktail Chronicles

This old-school cocktail bar serves perfectly mixed drinks in opulent surroundings. It’s a treat but it’s worth it.


A friendly wine bar in Vesterbro with an impressive list of wines.


This was our favourite bar in Copenhagen. Spread over three floors, there is an inventive cocktail bar at the ground floor, and a cosy log-cabin style whisky bar at the top. The drinks are top notch and the atmosphere was spot on. I wish it was in London.

Hygge sightseeing in Copenhagen

Canalboat tour

We did a whistle stop tour of the major sights by taking a canal boat tour from Gammel Strand. This took us past the palaces, the Little Mermaid statue, Nyhavn, and gave us a general feel for waterside Copenhagen. I wouldn’t necessarily describe this as a hygge thing to do, but it’s a good introduction to the city.


If hygge is at all about community and togetherness, then Christiana has to be a good example. The freetown was created in the 1970s and still exists today (although there is a time limit for the inhabitants to raise the capital to buy it). The area is centered around a lake and filled with all manner of creative houses and projects. Many people know it as “the place to go and buy weed” but if you walk around the area you find much more to it than that.


We always seek out a city’s covered market and Copenhagen’s was beautiful. There were tons of food stalls, as well as people selling artisanal beauty products and other Danish specialities.

Special places to stay in Copenhagen

We stayed at the Andersen Boutique Hotel for one night and Annex Hostel for two nights. A detailed review can be found here.

And on our second trip, we stayed at the Coco Hotel around the corner, which had stylish boutique amenities at friendly prices.

Have you been to Copenhagen? Feel free to add your tips in the comments.

9 thoughts on “Hygge things to do in Copenhagen”

  1. So if hygge doesn’t have an English translation, it may just have a very good German one: Gemütlichkeit, which, as I understand, means exactly the same thing.

    Looks like you guys had a lovely time scouting out all these little hidden gems. We may be visiting Copenhagen this summer, so I’ll definitely make sure to refer to some of these suggestions!

    I wish there were more laundromat cafes in Europe! Such a great idea.

    • As a German living in Denmark, I would have to say that “hygge” and “Gemütlichkeit” have a slightly different ring to me – hygge is a bit broader – but you are right, they are very similar.

      This is a great list and some “off the beaten track” places as well! My favorite cocktail bar is called 1656, it’s in the Meatpacking District (not too far from Mother, actually). It has a bit of a speakeasy feel to it, and their velvet couches are definitely “hyggelig”!

      Hope you enjoyed your time in Copenhagen!

  2. I have always been fascinated by “untranslateable” words as well! Hygge is a beautiful one. Also I want to go to Copenhagen just to visit “The Log Lady!” I am also a huge Twin Peaks fan, but I think your description of the bar got cut off in this post…

  3. Copenhagen is one of my favourite European cities – it was such a warm and welcoming place!

    My friends and I still use the word “hygge” here in the UK, although there aren’t as many places in London that achieve the snugness of some of the cafes we visited in Copenhagen.

    On our trip, we spent many afternoons in Paluden Bogcafe! Lovely place – we adored being surrounded by books!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so glad I took another glance at this post before my trip to Copenhagen. I am a hugs fan of Twin Peaks (I’m getting my TP themed tattoo in a month!) and had not seen the Log Lady Cafe anywhere else! I cannot wait to make it a highlight of the trip. Happy travels!

  5. So sorry just have to correct the danish grammar 🙈 when using the word hygge like that (in the titel) the correct Danish word is Hyggeligt. 🙂

  6. Thanks for the great post! Hygge is such an interesting concept and I feel like it can be felt all over Copenhagen if you know what to look for. We indeed loved our Hygge & Happiness tour there with Mie and it really set us up for a great experience. So much that we’re actually planning a return visit, yay!


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